Friday 14 May 2010


A quick tour in my vegetable garden this afternoon gave me the chance to observe some tiny slugs (about 5mm) devouring the tender leaves of my carrot plants. And they eat only the carrot leaves(!) ignoring the grass which has grown prolific next to the carrots. A very humid and rainy week with temperatures ranging from 10°-20°C has given life to many organisms in the garden, including them. Maybe I would have discovered other pests around have I stayed longer.

Slugs are gastropod mollusks without the shell (hubad na atol o islĂ g?)They like humid environments and appreciate most the tender shoots of many plants. As a gardener though who expects to benefit from the culture of these vegetables, I would like to eliminate some of them, before they wipe out my future meals(!). I should try to set some beer traps (they are drunkards!), or mock beer traps because they like the smell of malt yeast. Or, I can opt to use diatomaceous earth (a powder of silicon origin) also used in the disinfestations of animal fleas and seed devouring insects, or crushed eggshells or coffee grounds, all of which function because they can stick and wound the slug's slimy body.

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