Wednesday 16 June 2010

Grown-up Babies

Some of my vegetables as of June 15:  artichokes, tomatoes, and onions.


  1. Did you start your artichokes from seeds? I'd like to know what variety it is...looks like it is something I'd try in my garden. Your tomato trellis seems very sturdy! Now I'm thinking of re-designing the pole-bean trellis in my garden since they are leaning on one side. As a result beans are crawling on the ground. :)

  2. Hi Helen! I have planted suckers (I think this is the right term?, or supling) out of their mother plants, gifts from friends some 8 years ago when I helped them in their orto (the Italian term for vegetable garden). I'm not so sure of its variety though, most probably it's "spinoso sardo" but then it is too violet, but for sure not the round romanesco.
    Yes, try planting some artichokes. This variety is also good for raw salad (harvest them very young).
    The trellis of my tomatoes is the classical Italian style maybe your beans will like it:)
