Sunday, 2 May 2010

Some Vegetable Plants

Some of my vegetables: a mix of salads, fava (Vicia faba), carciofo (Cynara cardunculus), patata (Solanum tuberosum), cipolla (Allium cepa), and sedano (Apium graveolens).

I have mulched the ground with grass cut nearby, and also with dried leaves. The mulch keeps the ground moist, discourage growth of weeds, prevent soil erosion and compaction, and will eventually enrich the soil when decomposed.


  1. I am a big proponent of mulching and I like your practical choices of mulch materials. I did not know you had a blog!!! Way to go!!! Now meron na akong kasama/kakilala sa blogosphere. Yay!!!

  2. When I get move back to the Philippines, I will do a mulching campaign:)!
    Thanks for "peeking" in. Now I am obliged to get serious with this blogging:D!!

  3. hi ate judith im curious with your lifestyle over there but you know we're moving on that same environment coz my hsband rey wants to stay also in a farm, for him no hunger there as long as you're happy wth wht ur doing's me irene balon keeping in touch
