Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Grown-up Babies

Some of my vegetables as of June 15:  artichokes, tomatoes, and onions.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Some Harvest

I got five fave, five strawberries, some cime di rapa, two zucchini and fiori (flowers) di zucchine.

I have dipped the zucchine flowers (similar to squash flowers) in a mixture of beaten egg, flour, gawgaw (maize flour) and some milk then deep fried.

The strawberries went straight to my mouth.

The cime di rapa I sauteed with garlic, eaten at lunch. A bit hard though. They should be harvested and eaten with the flowers still as buds, together with the tender leaves and shoots.

The fave I will eat together with pecorino cheese at dinner .

The two zucchini I will make into soup: sauteed in garlic and olive oil, plus broth, plus basilico, salt, pepper.
